I am writing about yesterday and yes it was one of those when you fill touched,surprised,amazed by the fact a friend is there and that friend really remembered you and wished you in the auspicious occasion.Well I am not good with words and expressing my feelings as I am more a technical person (Girls reading…
Author: Aritra Sen
My College friend Soumyadeep who is a massive football freak used to ask me Why I am not writing anything about Cricket here in Denken that time I told him that I will write but it would require a special moment.Well my close friends and family members know how Cricket freak I am.This my first…
Social BUZZ in Gmail
Yesterday I got this all new Buzz in my Gmail. You can follow me in buzz: http://www.google.com/profiles/aritra.slg This is the third product from Google in a row after New Orkut and Google Wave.Recently Google also integrated real time Twitter updates in its search engine.So after Twitter integration,Google wave and now with Buzz you can say…
All about iPad
On January 27th Apple launched it’s much awaited tablet iPad.It came after one year long speculations.It will be available in market from March(Still I don’t have any idea when iPad would be available in India).Well that night when I was tweeting my timeline was only(almost) with Apple events live tweets and out of the top…
Orkut vs Facebook
I had to put it like Orkut vs Facebook.It was about Orkut and Facebook but at last it turned into Orkut vs Facebook.Well this is coming from a series of discussion which took place in my facebook profile after I putted a status update as shown in the below image. After that It got 62…
How to Share Google Reader Contents in Twitter
Previously I wrote How to share in Orkut and recently I was thinking how to share my Google reader contents with my Twitter Followers as I love sharing with my friends what I know.Most of us use Google reader for feed reader.There may be so many ways you can share you reader contents in Twitter,But…
My take on Politics
I know this post going to be very contradictory and controversial one.I am writing at first that I do have respects who have thoughts against my view.Well I have not read any of the mighty books on Indian politics and don’t have any great knowledge about Indian political history but I do believe I have the rights to speak my…
How to upload pictures in Flickr/Facebook from Picasa
Well let me tell you first that this blog post is just because of my facebook status update and all the credit goes to Nishant and I am just sharing with you.This post is dedicated to the lazy people like me and Nishant 😛 Picasa is an awesome software from Google to manage pictures in…
I’m Feeling Lucky
I think most of us aware of this phenomenon.when we leave the Google search box blank the press the I’m Feeling Lucky button then a decreasing counter comes up.If you have not tried it try it now then come back to read my post.Actually it shows how many seconds we are away from the next…
Merry Christmas
Wishing you and your family Merry Christmas… May Santa gives you gifts in this festive days by fulfilling all your Dreams and gives you the power to Dream big.Best of luck for the new year ahead. I wish you Love and friendship with lots of laughter and peace…. Spread the Cheer and Happy Holidays… From…