Norway is a country in Northern Europe and majority of its portion shares it border with Sweden, Finland and Russia. Today it ranks as the wealthiest country in the world as a result of large oil deposits.Few days back Some Doctors mainly a group of social workers were in my place. They were here to provide free medical checkups for the distress people. That day I had a conversation with a Norwegian lady.She told me that she was fascinated by the people of India.I was interested to know about her country. She shared a lot about Norway but the most remarkable thing was to me that- School education is free of cost. Everybody has to go school up to 15 years and if they does not go to school parents would be responsible.Let me tell you that it’s a crime in Norway and police will file a report against the parents and this is mainly why the literacy rate in Norway is 100%(In India Currently about 70 million children receive no schooling, and more than a third of the population is illiterate.). She also told me that Norway spends 7.6% of its GDP on education(India spends a little over 3% of its GDP on education).
Yes it’s an abrupt end….
I must admit it was really astounding for me to learn about a completely fact regarding NORWAY.The literacy rate and the way in which it is achieved is something of a wake up call for countries like us.
Gr…. Reading this makes me a bit angry on the Indian Government. After All, Education is a Universal Right.
thx dude for this article & for introducing to your new blog .. i am really surprised reading it .. never expected from a small country like Norway.. maybe the fact that its a SMALL country has helped it to reach such heights ..
well fact is no one in the govt is really interested to make a difference to primary education in this country. its a shame, but thats the reality.
It’s a really informative & interesting blog.In INDIA educated civilians should take few responsibility to spread education.If a small country like NORWAY can then we definitely can.By the way, nice work Aritra keep it up.
The problem is indian government thinks that *higher* education is our birth right , rather than education. That why we have stupid quota system crippling our education.
Thanks buddy….this is such a one of the informative topic of Norway that I have ever heard……….well nice going…..keep it up.